So we traveled for about 36 hours to get from Budapest to Chisinau, Moldova. Yes, this is as long and miserable as it sounds. Yes, we were exhaaaauuuusssssted. Did you know that trains in Eastern Europe are super creepy? Well they are. The particular train that we took looked like the perfect setting for a horror movie. The lights that the actually train had were flickering on and off. There was an interesting box that we assume was for luggage, but looked like a great place to store bodies. All that said, I was more than out of my comfort zone. But our delirium from sitting in freezing cold Bucharest for 5 hours made everything hilarious to us. Especially when they had to change the wheels on the train. I have never been in an earthquake, but we are certain that a train being picked up and down and up and down and up and down feels similar. I think you all probably get the point. I wish I could pass on the reality of this situation, but I do not think it is possible. However, with all odds against us, we made it to Chisinau safe and sound. We would totally do it all over again too. Good times.
Sounds like and awesome trip. Love the pics